Haglofs For Outdoor Gear

If you are about to go backpacking into the unknown, the online store Haglofs will have everything you will need.

Haglofs is a Swedish company that has been in existence since 1914, at the beginning of World War 1. It was started up by Victor Haglof who created the very first backpacks and began to sell them out in the county of Dalarna.

These days, Haglofs are the professionals when it comes to the provision of warm waterproof clothing and equipment for the intrepid traveller, explorer or adventurer. Whatever your activity, be it travel, ski or snowboard, camping, hiking or backpacking there really is something for everyone at Haglofs, from essential light but warm clothing, sleeping bags and hammocks to health safeguards such as protection from insect bites, measures to avoid and treat painful blisters, and special toiletries for those inevitable times when there are no washing facilities.

Haglofs supply everything for the seasoned traveller to be prepared for all weathers and all eventualities. Haglofs’ range of clothing includes wonderfully warm jackets, fleeces, trousers, vests and headwear, all available in different colours, styles and fabrics. Haglofs’ travel clothing is especially suitable for the older traveller and adventurer whose passion is travel and exploration at any age.

Haglofs is a godsend to backpackers with a range of backpacks in all sizes, from small ones for day trips to larger travel rucksacks. Haglofs range of bags includes travel duffle bags, bags with wheels, all multi functional and suitable for all travel and hiking activities and occasions. Haglofs has a comprehensive range of bags for travellers’ laptops with waterproof laptop cases and laptop bags for all sizes of laptop.

Skiers and snowboarders will find everything they need in the Haglofs range of fleeces, thermal jackets and trousers, backpacks and ski bags for carrying skis and snowboards.

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