The Bitterness of Foot Blisters – 4 Hints For Preventing Blisters While Hiking Or Trekking

Keeping blisters at bay during a hike can be the key to happy trails. Blisters can not only ruin a hike, but can cause severe pain for days to follow. By following simple precautions, you can enjoy your day blister-free.

Choosing the proper footwear

With a wide range of hiking footwear to choose from, your decision should be based on not only your skill level but the frequency of your treks. Footwear that is too tight can trap moisture and heat while footwear that is too large can be the perfect breeding ground for blisters. Make sure that you do your research on types of shoes for your level and then get the right fit.

Socks and liners

Cotton socks, which are commonly used for everyday purposes, are not a good choice when hiking. Cotton traps heat and moisture and can make for a miserably long hike. Look for socks that have the ability to wick moisture away from your skin as well as allow air to breathe. Merino wool is a good choice. Adding a synthetic liner will increase the wicking of moisture while removing heat.

Ease into it

If you’ve never hiked before, ease into the sport. By building up the intensity of your hikes slowly, you allow your feet to build up tougher skin that is less likely to blister. Taking time to rest during hikes is important. When resting, air out your feet and allow them to cool off. Before starting out again, change socks.

Problem areas

If you notice a problem area on your foot such as an irritation or hot spot, treat it immediately. Make sure that any sand is removed from the area. If it feels irritated, cover the area with surgical tape. If you are dealing with a hot-spot, use moleskin to create a barrier.

With frequent hiking, blisters become more likely. But a little preparation can go a long way to minimize a problem area. Take care of your feet before you hit the trails to keep them happy and healthy.

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A Hiking Gear Checklist for Day Hiking

I was thinking today on what should be on a hiking gear checklist for hikers who are just starting out. With that in mind I created the list below as general guide to what you should be looking to acquire when getting your hiking gear together for a day hike. […]
A Hiking Gear Checklist for Day Hiking

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